![]() These are Kids! They are the early form of Goat I like kids they are for sure cute! |
These are Children, with Mom and Dad as it should be. They are more than cute. They are special and have special needs that only loving caring parents and other People can provide! |
I have special feelings for The English language. I have the knowledge that comes with time and thought that when we say a word, we see, in our minds an image. When I say fire I see flames and burning that can be good for man or I see terrible events like the day the towers fell. Sept 11 2001. Kids are a baby goat. They are born from a lamb and need care, attention and, yes love from the mother to nurture and help them grow.
Children are special. They are more than the equivalent of "kid". When we say the word "Children" in our minds we see softness and gentleness. Children need love and caring from two, when possible, loving parents. Our world needs our caring and understanding that it matters what we say and when we say it. There are times, I know, when the word "Kid" referring to children fits. Much too often the word children is never used by Commentators
If we really care about child welfare. If we really want to see a better world where children can grow into caring adults who will be strong responsable citazens our country we need to see them as special and important of our time and effort. They are worth the love and effort that we can put into them. That is why we fight for better education. It is why we worry when they are not in our sight.
Just a thought
Ted Wheeler