It's All In The Name


This is an article I wrote in 1985 for our Pheysey family reunion. The reunion was held in Howdenvale Ontario. It was the first of what I hope will be many reunions of the Pheysey Gang. Howdenvale is on the Bruce Peninsula which is on the edge of Lake Huron. It is a lovely place and my parents had a cottage there. They bought the cottage in 1965 - 66. In the early 70's the old place was torn down and a winterized home was built by my Dad and friends as a retirement home. My Dad died Feb 24th 1980 and never heard this piece. I am sure however he would have enjoyed and agreed with it. I do hope those of you who read it can understand how I feel about my faith and how God uses each of us in His own way.

When we started to plan this reunion I found myself thinking of all the excitement and fun there would be with us all together in one place after all these years. I don't remember the exact date of the first reunion which was held at Riverside Park. The park is a lovely place on the Ottawa River in Pembroke ON. I do remember some of the good times we had there. We are now all older, and somewhat wiser. We have spread out to cover a much larger area. I wonder what Don and Maud Pheysey would think or say if they could be here to see what their love had started.

Well none of us use the name Pheysey, but we all bear a mark and blood line that goes back to it. To the ones who are gone to the other life we all face I say may God in His grace and mercy shower you with His most precious love. To the ones who couldn't be here for one reason or another I say may God be with you and bless you in all you do. To you who are here, who made the sacrifice of time and money, I give you my love and ask God to bless you and keep you safe, both here and in your travels until we do this again.

I was driving at work one day and was thinking to myself what is in this name. What does God intend us to make of it. His main purpose for all people, which includes us, is that we should glorify His name in and through His Son.

This is what I see in the Pheysey name. There are four daughters, Pat, Peg, Pauline, and Biff. The last or married names became Pichette, Piniger, Lavigne, and Wheeler

When I think of Aunt Pauline and Uncle Al, I think of the faith and determination of Aunt Pauline that my cousins would be educated and trained in their faith. I think of their home, old, but so warm and friendly. I also remember the picture, I think it is of Donald my cousin. It hangs on a wall and he is in a posture of prayer, probably his Confirmation. So the "P" in Pichette becomes "Prayer".

When I think of Aunt Biff, I think of a woman working hard, in hard times to raise her family. I remember visiting her when she lived in Essex, but for one thing or another we never visited much, thats sad because we all lose when we don't know what makes us tick. I do remember that one of my cousins was in the RCMP. I think it was Gene. Since the main aim of police is Peace, the "P" in Piniger becomes "Peace"

When I think of Aunt Pat, I think of the fun we've had, my cousins and us. The warm welcome when we meet, the joker, the prankster, and the quiet times. I think of Lawrence and Uncle Lori, may God bless them, I thank Him for them being. I also think of Aunt Pat and her devotion to Grandma and Grandpa. So the "L" in Lavigne to me means "Love"

Now that leaves my Mum. What can I say? I could go on in glowing terms about my brothers and sisters. My Dad, God bless him. He meant so much to me. They still talk about him at work and it is with honour and pride about a man who was honest and fun, besides hard working. I won't go on like that because I don't want to bore you all. I think of Mum and Paul, both Anglican Priests. I think of Pearl and her growth in the church and faith. Will we see yet another priest. I think of the growth of my own family in our church. Lesley, Helen, Norma, Janet, David, Peter, and Marg all are growing in faith and praise of the God we serve. So the "W" in Wheeler becomes "Worship"

So we have Prayer, Peace, Love and Worship. This is what God calls us to. We come to Him in Prayer. Prayer for Peace and Love. Pheysey---What A Name. What a heritage we have and all for each other and all thanks to God. May God continue to shower us with all His blessings, that we may Worship Him in Prayer, Peace and Love for all people.

Prayer Peace Love and Worship